Hope, Perseverance, Wellness

Bariatric Surgery: The Menu of Options When Your Stomach Needs a New Strategy


Welcome back to Sick Girl Diaries, where we talk about health with a sprinkle of sass and a dash of humor. ToWelcome to Sick Girl Diaries, where we tackle life’s challenges with a side of humor and a dash of southern sass. Today’s topic? Bariatric surgery—because let’s face it, sometimes the diet starts on the operating table. If you’ve been down the rabbit hole of weight-loss surgery research, you’ve likely stumbled upon some fancy names like Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, and the Loop Duodenal Switch. But what do they all mean?

Grab a sweet tea (or maybe just water, sugar-free, of course) and let’s dive into the skinny on bariatric surgery—complete with pros, cons, and laughs to keep things as light as your post-op meals.

The Sleeve Gastrectomy

(No, it’s not a trendy fashion statement.)

This is the “snip-snip” surgery where about 75-80% of your stomach gets trimmed off, leaving behind a banana-shaped sleeve. Think of it as Marie Kondo-ing your stomach—it keeps only what “sparks joy” (and a lot less nachos).


  • Simple yet effective: This surgery is shorter and comes with fewer complications than the others.
  • No rerouting required: Your intestines stay right where they are, which means fewer malabsorption problems.
  • Steady weight loss: You’ll shed pounds over time without feeling like you’ve crash-dieted into oblivion.


  • Permanent: Once it’s gone, it’s gone—there’s no Ctrl+Z here.
  • Still sweet on sugar: It doesn’t block sugar absorption, so if you’ve got a sweet tooth, it’s up to you to kick the cravings.
  • Vitamin VIPs needed: Get ready for lifelong Vitamin B12 supplements, because your body will miss the buffet.

Gastric Bypass

(The OG of weight-loss surgery)

If your stomach were a fixer-upper, this would be the remodel of the century. The surgeon creates a small pouch from your stomach and bypasses part of your small intestine. Translation? You eat less and absorb fewer calories—a double whammy for weight loss.


  • Rapid results: You’ll drop pounds faster than a bad habit.
  • Diabetes hero: This surgery is like kryptonite for type 2 diabetes, improving or even eliminating it for many patients.
  • Less hunger: It reduces the hunger hormone ghrelin, so you won’t be eyeing that third slice of pie.


  • More complex surgery: The rerouting means a bit more risk and recovery time.
  • Dumping syndrome: Sounds gross because it is—eat too much sugar and your body will revolt.
  • Nutrient deficiency drama: Supplements are a non-negotiable forever.

The Loop Duodenal Switch

(The Ferrari of bariatric surgeries)

This one’s the turbo-charged option for those who need serious results. It combines the sleeve and bypass for the ultimate stomach-slimming, calorie-burning combo.


  • Maximum weight loss: If you’re aiming for the big leagues of weight loss, this is your MVP.
  • Fat be gone: Your body absorbs less fat, so that cheeseburger isn’t sticking around (literally).
  • Long-term success: Studies show it’s the heavyweight champ for keeping pounds off.


  • Intense surgery: It’s more invasive and comes with a longer recovery time.
  • Strict post-op life: Dietary restrictions and vitamin supplements are your new BFFs.
  • Bathroom adventures: Malabsorption of fat can lead to… let’s just say “interesting” moments in the restroom.

Why Bariatric Surgery?

Let’s get real—bariatric surgery isn’t about vanity; it’s about health. From tackling diabetes to improving cholesterol, this surgery is a game-changer for those of us who’ve tried every fad diet, cleanse, and smoothie plan under the sun.

As for me, my doctor in Slidell called me a Ferrari (cue the southern hair flip) and referred me to a specialist at Ochsner Main Campus. Turns out, being a high-maintenance medical case means you need a whole pit crew of experts. Chronic steroids, neurosarcoidosis, and a few other quirks mean I need all hands on deck.

Initially, the Loop Duodenal Switch was on the table, but after some serious discussions (and probably a few eye-rolls from my medical team), we’re starting with the Sleeve. Why? To see how my body reacts before moving on to the second part. You know, baby steps.

Final Thoughts

So, whether you’re Team Sleeve, Team Bypass, or gunning for the Ferrari-like Loop Duodenal Switch, bariatric surgery is like hitting the reset button on your health. It’s a chance to say goodbye to chronic health issues and hello to a lighter, brighter you.

And remember, life’s too short to skip dessert entirely—just maybe make it a bite-sized one. 😉