
An Unexpected Journey: From Sunflowers to Sarcoidosis

Let’s just say my brain is to blame for not posting this update on time. On Sunday, I visited Coastal Ridge Farm and spent a gorgeous day among the sunflowers. It was all sunshine and smiles until I realized I was allergic to the sunflowers—cue the intense itching. By Sunday night, I was knocked out by a mix of Benadryl and Tylenol, and I spent most of Monday waiting for an important message from my doctor. So, here I am, with an overdue update on my health journey and some unexpected twists.

Rewinding to 2006: The Start of My Journey

Before diving into the latest medical developments, let’s take a quick rewind to 2006. At the time, I was working at the Veteran’s Branch of Hancock Bank in New Orleans, LA. One morning, I noticed some blurriness in my eyes, but I didn’t think much of it. However, my co-workers quickly noticed that the right side of my face was drooping. Fearing a stroke, I rushed myself to East Jefferson Hospital—a risky move in hindsight.

After a series of tests, the doctors diagnosed me with Bell’s Palsy, a condition that causes temporary facial paralysis due to nerve issues in the brain. They had no explanation for why it happened and said it could take weeks or months to recover. For about six months, I dealt with terrible headaches and had to tape my right eye shut to sleep. Though I eventually recovered, subtle differences in my facial features remain to this day, though no one else seems to notice them.

The Email from Dr. Karam

Fast forward to May 21, 2019—I received an unexpected email from my endocrinologist, Dr. Susan Karam:

Subject: Appointment Setup with Neurologist

Hi Melissa,
I wanted to let you know that I am working to set up an appointment for you with one of our neurologists, Dr. Bridget Bagert. She specializes in multiple sclerosis, but we’ve discussed your case, and we believe she may help in choosing a treatment other than steroids to control the granulomatous disease. Her office will be reaching out to you to set up an appointment. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Susan Karam

Minutes after receiving this email, Dr. Bagert’s assistant called to schedule my appointment for the next day at 10:40 AM.

May 22, 2019: Meeting Dr. Bagert

The following day, I met Dr. Bagert. Before she came in, her resident took thorough notes on my medical history, including my experience with Bell’s Palsy. When Dr. Bagert entered, she introduced herself and explained that while her specialty is multiple sclerosis, she focuses on neurological immunology.

After reviewing my MRI scans and test results, we discussed my medical history in more detail. When I mentioned Bell’s Palsy, she paused thoughtfully and left the room to gather some tools. She ran a series of tests on my reflexes and sensation, then made an interesting connection: my granuloma resembled Sarcoidosis, a condition that can mimic symptoms of Bell’s Palsy.

Exploring Treatment Options: Cellcept

Dr. Bagert suggested trying Cellcept (generic name: Mycophenolate), an immunosuppressive medication with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroid treatments. She needed to consult with Dr. Karam and my neurosurgeon, Dr. Ware, but she felt this could be a promising option to control the granulomatous disease without the harsh impact of steroids.

A Glimmer of Hope

During this visit, I was also reminded of a familiar name: Dr. Alan Bruchell, the doctor who diagnosed my adrenal problems and Hashimoto’s antibodies back in 2005. To my surprise, he reappeared in my life during a recent hospital stay and remembered my case. Dr. Karam had consulted him while seeking solutions, and he played a role in connecting me to Dr. Bagert. This network of medical professionals has brought me to a new diagnosis and, with it, new hope for treatment.


From an allergic reaction to a major medical discovery, my journey has been nothing short of unexpected. The support of my incredible medical team keeps me moving forward, offering new treatments and a renewed sense of hope. As always, I’ll keep you updated on the latest developments, and thank you all for your continued support and encouragement along the way.
