Perseverance, Wellness

Welcome to Sick Girl Diaries: My Journey with Chronic Illness

Welcome to Sick Girl Diaries! If you’re new here, grab a comfy seat because we’re diving deep into the ups, downs, and downright confusing world of chronic illness. Just when I thought my health rollercoaster might slow down, life threw a few more loops at me. So, I created this blog to document it all, with the hope of connecting with others who might be walking a similar path. And yes, there will be plenty of humor along the way because if we can’t laugh at ourselves, what’s the point? New posts drop every Monday, so stay tuned!

Why “Sick Girl Diaries”?

So, why the name Sick Girl Diaries? You might wonder why I chose the plural version. The short answer: “Sick Girl Diary” was already taken. The long answer: “Diaries” actually fits better because my health journey has been a long, ongoing saga, spanning multiple journals, notebooks, and scribbled-on napkins since 2016. Each entry is a chapter in this unpredictable, chronic illness novel I’m living.

What is Sick Girl Diaries?

Sick Girl Diaries is more than just a blog. It’s a space where I share my experience with chronic illness, including my life with a rare brain tumor, and other health challenges like Addison’s Disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and Cushing’s Syndrome. I originally planned to write a book about my journey, but life’s ever-changing plot twists led me to blogging instead. Sharing my story online allows me to connect with a broader community—because let’s face it, navigating a chronic illness is easier when you’re not doing it alone.

Finding Strength and Humor in the Journey

Living with a Tumor:
When people hear that I have a tumor, they tend to give me that “Oh no!” look. But here’s the deal: I’m not interested in pity parties. I prefer finding the humor in my situation, even when things get tough. Yes, this tumor likes to make repeat appearances, but I’m determined to keep living life to the fullest and laughing along the way. Because let’s be real, if I can’t laugh at the absurdity of getting a brain tumor, what can I laugh at?

Faith and Gratitude:
My faith plays a huge role in how I approach my health journey. While chronic illness can feel like a never-ending battle, I believe there’s a bigger plan at work. Every challenge, from hospital stays to doctor visits, is part of a larger story. I’m incredibly thankful for my supportive church, family, friends, and doctors who remind me every day that I’m not in this fight alone.

Overcoming Fear and Sharing My Story

For a long time, I was hesitant to share my story. Fear of being judged or treated differently kept me quiet. However after many encouraging words from loved ones, I realized that opening up about my experiences might help others feel less alone in their own struggles. If my story can comfort someone going through a similar health crisis, then it’s worth sharing.

A Few Warnings:
Before you dive into the upcoming posts, a little heads-up: Some stories will get real, and I mean TMI real. From discovering air bubbles in my brain (yep, that happened) to my battle with extreme Cushing’s Syndrome, I’m laying it all out there. It’s all part of the journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Join the Conversation

Are you also navigating the ups and downs of chronic illness? I’d love to hear your story. Feel free to drop a comment or a question, but let’s keep things positive and respectful, folks. This is a space for support, encouragement, and maybe a few laughs along the way. Chronic illness isn’t easy, but together, we can make the load a little lighter.